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This isn’t how our system is supposed to operate, says Tucker Carlson.

The key lesson we took away from Twitter’s disclosure of those previously secret papers last Friday evening was not that conservatives are subject to censorship on social media. We knew that, of course. Nobody is shocked that it has been verified. It was never contested in the first place. No.

We discovered on Friday that Big Tech actively and covertly collaborates with government organizations to influence the results of elections that the rest of us felt were free and fair. With the assistance of the FBI, Twitter carried out this censorship throughout the 2020 election on favor of one candidate while seeking to harm the other candidate. It’s difficult to think of a more blatant assault on our democracy than this. Our system is not designed to operate in this manner. In fact, it’s forbidden.

What Twitter did is against both established campaign financing law and the First Amendment. They didn’t disclose their support for the Biden campaign. That is illegal.

We know this because of the reporting of Matt Taibbi, who was given access to these papers by Elon Musk, the new owner of Twitter. It’s not part of a secret plan. It is true. But if you just read the news from established US media sites, you wouldn’t know what had occurred. None of them have followed up on the story in the days following Taibbi’s jaw-dropping revelations. He rejected the narrative as being totally typical instead.


It goes without saying that the FBI was covertly collaborating with Twitter and the Biden campaign to manipulate your thinking by preventing you from accessing accurate facts. Elections function in this way. Or they’re criticizing Matt Taibbi directly for having the audacity to write the article.

You’ll be relieved to learn that Sam Bankman-Fried was still in the Bahamas as of tonight and had not been charged by the same people who had spent weeks defending the multibillionaire con artist. The same individuals claim that the person who is exposing unlawful censorship in a presidential campaign is the true criminal in this situation. It’s difficult to accept what they’re saying. But they are, I see. Here is a sample:

SYMONE SANDERS: Elon Musk retweeted the “Twitter Files,” a collection of documents that detail how the social media platform supposedly buried a story about a Ukrainian energy company paying money to the President’s son, Hunter Biden. First of all, I just have to say that this whole thing is just ridiculous and it’s not true.

MATTHEW DOWD: It was amazing to me that all of these sort of MINIECHAT , or whoever else, jumped on this without ever fully understanding that it was basically meaningless what happened. And that actually it turned out to be a good thing.

AL SHARPTON: Musk seems fixated on a two-year old story about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

ALI VELSHI: This is what we in the cable business like to call a hot take. And it reveals Elon Musk’s profound ignorance of the First Amendment.

BRANDY ZADROZNY: We now know it was a really helpful thing, actually, the Twitter Files today, because we got to see how content moderation works. We got to see how when a group of people with differing political ideas and ideologies and views gets together, in the spirit of making a platform safe and healthy.

There’s just so much there. Al Sharpton teaming up with the former George W. Bush aide to tell you censorship is good. The first lady saying this Ukrainian company allegedly paid Hunter Biden when there’s no allegedly about it. Everyone involved has already admitted it. And then, best of all, Ali Velshi. “We in the cable business.” Ali Velshi has never been in the news business. People in the news business cover the news. Propagandists censor and distort the news. And that’s what you’re watching there.

Thankfully, as always, their propaganda is crude and not very effective, mostly because it’s so unbelievably not believable. Censorship, explains Brandy Zadrozny, like a slightly annoyed kindergarten teacher, censorship is called “content moderation.” When we hide facts from you that you need in order to cast an informed vote in a presidential election that’s, quote, “safe and healthy.” Hiding facts from you is safe and healthy. Is there anyone who actually believes that?

Well, judging by NBC’s tanking ratings, not many people actually do believe that. But they’re saying it anyway. Here’s Michael Steele of MSNBC, the former RNC chairman, by the way, letting you know that actually revealing the mechanics of censorship is itself an attack on free speech.

MICHAEL STEELE: Putting those things back on the platform, juxtapositioned with the argument that he’s all about free speech, really undermines some of the central tenets of free speech. It is about, yes, the freedom of you to say things, but not at the harm or expense of someone else. And so when you’re perpetuating lies and so forth, you’re really kind of laughing in the face of this idea of what the platform he claims is supposed to be.

So any day you get to see Michael Steele misuse the words juxtaposition, obviously, it’s a good day. But the payoff really was his little lecture on constitutional law, the essential tenant of free speech, Michael Steele just told you. The essential tenet is that you, as an American citizen, are never allowed to say things that other people object to. Okay, Michael Steele. If you get a chance, let us know what constitution you’ve been reading. The one that we have here in the US is pretty clear.

In the United States, you get to say, as an American citizen, what you believe. Period. And under no circumstances ever may the government infringe on that right. Period. Again, that’s the First Amendment. And thanks to “The Twitter Files,” revealed on Friday night, we know the First Amendment has been violated more profoundly than at any time in our lives. Miranda Devine of The New York Post has just reported the FBI met “weekly” with Twitter executives in the months before the 2020 election. And in those meetings, the FBI specifically warned about hack and leak operations by state actors that would involve Hunter Biden and would, “likely come out in October.”


Oh. We know that because it appeared in a sworn deposition from Twitter’s former chief censor, Yoel Roth, signed in 2020. It wasn’t just Twitter, by the way. It was also Facebook. The FBI was holding similar meetings with Facebook, which also, not surprisingly, in fact as a direct result of those meetings, censored the Hunter Biden story. Watch.

JOE ROGAN: There was a lot of attention on Twitter during the election because of the Hunter Biden laptop story. Yeah, so you guys censored that as well?

MARK ZUCKERBERG: So we took a different path than Twitter. I mean, basically the background here is the FBI, I think basically came to us, some folks on our team. It was like, “Hey, just so you know, like you should be on high alert. There was, we thought that there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election. We have it on notice that basically there’s about to be some kind of dump that’s similar to that. So just be vigilant.”

So this is a stop the presses story. The FBI is the largest and most powerful domestic law enforcement agency in the world. It can’t become a secret police force. If it does, this is no longer a free country and it’s no better than, say, Russia under Putin. Or any authoritarian state. It is an authoritarian state, by definition, if the largest domestic law enforcement agency starts to play in domestic politics. But they are, and we know that, and no one’s saying anything about it. And that’s very strange.

We do know that the Twitter executive who went to those meetings, the meetings with the FBI, was a man called Yoel Roth. Now, if you think about it, it was never clear what Yoel Roth was doing at Twitter in the first place. Yoel Roth had no technical expertize of any kind, didn’t know anything about hacking, foreign affairs, didn’t know anything about Russia.

What does he know about? Well, Yoel Roth received a Ph.D. in the study of Grindr, the gay sex hookup app from a place called UPenn, the University of Pennsylvania, purportedly an Ivy League school you should be impressed by.

We’re not making this up by the way. Grindr appears more than 800 times in his research. And UPenn, gave him a Ph.D. for that. So whatever you think of that, how did that get Yoel Roth into the position that he occupied at Twitter where he was in charge of what you were allowed to say and think. Well, the one qualification we know Yoel Roth did have is he does not believe in free speech, period. And he made that very clear in an interview last week.

KARA SWISHER: Babylon Bee, which is what got him to buy the thing I think. That’s the one which was not particularly funny. The Babylon Bee’s Man of the Year is Rachel Levine. Not funny.

YOEL ROTH: The targeting and the victimization of the trans community on Twitter is very real, very life-threatening and extraordinarily serious. We have seen from a number of Twitter accounts, including Libs of Tik Tok, notably, that there are orchestrated campaigns that particularly are singling out a group that is already particularly vulnerable within society. Twitter’s written policies prohibit misgendering. Full stop.

It’s so great. It’s “life-threatening” to tell jokes. It’s life-threatening. What’s interesting about speech codes always and everywhere, and specifically the speech codes that Yoel Roth has devoted his life, over the past several years, to uphold is that they change constantly, and you never know when they change or on what grounds they change. They just change. And you’re usually caught in the crossfire. And you’re busted for saying something you didn’t even know you weren’t allowed to say.

Probably the greatest example of this is that Yoel Roth, himself, once attacked trans people on Twitter. He called them “trannies.” Whoa. Thereby threatening their lives. Quote,”It wouldn’t be a trip to New York without at least one big scary tranny.” That’s an actual tweet from Yoel Roth, the kind of tweet that if you wrote it, he’d call the FBI.

So now Yoel Roth has to pretend to be offended by all of this. Why? Because his purported offense, the terror he feels, gives him a pretext to censure you on behalf of the most powerful people in the world. That’s how that works.


So people with the most power claim they’re defending the people with the least power in order to crush you. That’s exactly the way it always works. By the way, Yoel Roth has deleted his old tranny tweets. And now he’s just shocked. He’s just shocked by the Babylon Bee.

But it’s not just Yoel Roth. Vijaya Gadde was his boss. Gadde, according to Matt Taibbi’s reporting, oversaw the censorship of the New York Post’s reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop. And Gadde was later rewarded for that by the Biden administration. For real.

The Biden administration appointed the person who effectively allowed Joe Biden to get elected President by censoring criticism of his business deals,in which he took money from China. She was rewarded by getting an advisory role on CISA. That would be the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. Ever heard of it? Oh well, it has a big effect on your life. It’s a division of DHS, by the way. It’s the censorship arm of the federal government.

How can this even exist? Our First Amendment specifically prohibits that. Why is there no court case on this? Why are people standing by and putting up with it? We know that its reach is extensive. New documents revealed in Missouri’s ongoing lawsuit against Big Tech revealed just how aggressive the censorship that CISA practices is. So effectively, they’re a hotline that allows the government to pressure the Big Tech companies to censor political opposition.

On October 29, 2020, for example, an official with the Washington Secretary of State’s office wrote to CISA, quote, “I wanted to flag two tweets with possible misinformation about the election.” Misinformation about the election. Now, remember, misinformation is a new word. It’s been around the intel world for a long time, but it’s never been used in common conversation until recently.

And the distinction between misinformation and lying is that misinformation can be true. It doesn’t have to be untrue to be censored. So it used to be truth is a defense. If you’re telling the truth, you can say it. Not anymore. With mis and disinformation, if I don’t like it, if I’m in power, I can censor you.

Therefore, one of the tweets that offended this Washington political leader was a reference to a court-related electoral issue in Washington State’s 2004 governor race. Democrats finally prevailed in that court case.

The tweet said, “In 2004, courts in Washington State disregarded the true count and rewarded the Democrats. Votes may come from anybody at any time, according to another tweet from the same user. You could now concur or disagree with such tweets. They feel genuine. In any case, they are political interpretations and viewpoints. And because this is or was a free democracy, you see tweets like that all the time on Twitter.

However, what followed was startling, and it’s incredible that anybody would justify it. Those viewpoints were suppressed by the federal government. The tweets were immediately reported by CISA to multiple DHS accounts. These are armed individuals. The report was then instantly posted on Twitter by CISA. Please see the report from Washington below, according to CISA. Of course, the tweets were also edited. A random Twitter user with a modest following was blocked by the government because they didn’t agree with their criticism of Democrats during the 2004 Washington State election. governmental body.

It’s not even close, really. The First Amendment, which is the cornerstone of our Constitution, is being violated by this. And it occurs continuously. States complained about things they didn’t like, and CISA—guys with firearms and a division of DHS—got Twitter to delete it. The secretary of state of Kentucky engaged in this activity constantly. The records support that. Colorado’s also did. Actually, all of the political parody accounts that Colorado reported to DHS, which then informed Twitter, were shut down.

By the way, they were all parodies. It doesn’t matter if they weren’t parodies. But in reality, they were jokes. One of these is now visible on your screen. According to the account’s profile, “Smoke cannabis every day.” “The state of Colorado’s official (unofficial) Twitter account.”

Twitter, however, took the DHS grievance seriously. Why would they not? likewise edited the accounts. Twitter said, “We will escalate.” Katie Hobbs, a candidate for governor at the time and the secretary of state, instructed employees for the Arizona Secretary of State to impose censorship via CISA at the start of the 2021 election cycle.

The Center for Internet Security received a message from someone in Hobbs’s account saying, “I am reporting this Twitter account for your inspection.” Later, CISA was copied on the email. Why? The tweets were “an effort to further erode trust in the electoral system in Arizona,” according to Hobbs’ office. Okay. Therefore, you are not permitted to lack faith in elections. Really?

The largest county in this state took more than a week to complete the ballot count. The printers also didn’t function on election day, despite functioning the day before. However, you should be completely confident. In actuality, you are required to. And you’ll suffer the consequences if you lack confidence. “Thank you for your attention in considering this subject for action,” the email’s conclusion said. Naturally, Twitter immediately began to ban them. “I’m grateful. We will intensify,” Twitter said.

It’s not only offensive anymore; this is the sixth time. This is forbidden. This is illegal. a major offense. Influencing election results is a crime against our democracy, not breaking into the Capitol or staring at Nancy Pelosi’s desk. It’s unimaginable. Additionally, it happens a lot more often than anybody anticipated.

Elon Musk said this past weekend that Twitter was interfering internationally as well. Here, it is done. Why wouldn’t they do this in other nations? Musk said that they meddled in the Brazilian election. He recently tweeted, “I’m seeing a lot of worrying comments on the recent Brazil election. It’s plausible that Twitter staff members preferred left-wing candidates if those messages are correct. Okay.

I mean, is it conceivable? Can you image the individuals giving you daily lectures about democracy or undermining it in other countries—in Brazil, maybe in Hungary, possibly in El Salvador—or under any government they disliked? They just don’t like the way those governments’ jibs are cut, not because they constitute a danger to the United States. Therefore, what we are discovering about state meddling in free and fair elections throughout the globe has long been suspected. It’s now been verified. And Matt Taibbi and others will be releasing a ton more in the future.

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